Lady Elizabeth Hastings

Lady Elizabeth Hastings

CE VA Primary School

  1. Parents
  2. Children's Zone
  3. Clubs at School

School Clubs Page

Breakfast Club

Monday - Friday, 7.30am - 8.40am (School Hall)

Mrs Binns, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Tinsdale, Mrs Hart

This is our wrap around care morning club. At Breakfast club you are served your breakfast of cereal, toast and juice and there are lots of fun activities to do before the start of the school day


After School Club

Monday - Friday, 3.15pm - 6pm (School Hall)

Mrs Binns,  Mrs Wilson, Mrs Tinsdale, Mrs Butler, Mrs Orme

As the name says, this is our after school wrap around care club. After school club has weekly themes and children are given the opportunity to engage in planned activities, free play or chilling out, either in the Wheler building, playground or hall.